Tuesday 28 February 2017

Alphabet Letters

This week our letters are: g,o,c,k. Everyday we practise them in different ways - outside with chalk, water, or in the sandpit, inside with felts, whiteboards or with letter strips.
Today we used the whiteboards.

"C" is for Crab

This morning we got really messy hand printing our crabs. These are for the letter "c".

"O" is for Octopus

Our octopi are hanging in the Discovery Room to help us remember the  letter "o".

Sunday 26 February 2017

School Walk

This morning we went for a big walk around the school. We made a list of what we saw and what we could hear.

We saw... trees, house, walnuts, pears, blackberries, Mr Keith and his ride on mower and trees moving.
We heard.. birds, cicadas, the mower, leaves blowing in the wind and crickets

iPad Stories

This morning we used the iPad's to listen to stories. We had to find them using the QR Code Reader.

Thursday 23 February 2017

Mihi Cloaks

Over the last few weeks we have been making these amazing Mihi Cloaks.  They help us to tell our story - all the special things about us!


Barnaby's New Adventures

Barnaby has enjoyed adventures with Eric, Louie and Jemma. See what he got up to...


Today Mrs Renner is working with us to make string print making designs. We ha to dip the string in the paint, squeeze it and then arrange it on the paper. It was messy but fun


Wednesday 22 February 2017

Rainbow Fish

Rainbow Fish is a great story. We made a large rainbow fish all together so we could practise sharing and working together.

God Made Us All Special

This week we have been reading the story of Elmer the Elephant and we looked at how special he was. God has made each one of us special and unique too. We made our own patchwork elephants and then we made a life sized patchwork of ourselves.